The Journey & The Mission
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Why do we exist as a church? What is the goal for each of us as individuals and as a church body? Whether you are in Taipei for a year, two years, or you are a long-termer, we want all of us to go on a lifelong journey of discipleship and to embrace Christ’s mission for the city and world.
We want to cast a vision of discipleship and mission in a preaching series entitled “The Journey and the Mission”. In this series we will flesh out what it means practically for all of us together to live our lives “for the glory of God and the good of Taipei!”
12.10.07 - Dennis Brown - John 1:35-51
12.10.14 - Dennis Brown - Psalm 95
12.10.21 - Dennis Brown - Acts 20.17-21.6
12.10.28 - Jason Truell - Romans 12:1-8
12.11.04 - Dennis Brown - Romans 11:33-12:8
12.11.11 - Dennis Brown - Romans 8:1-11
12.11.18 - Dennis Brown - Jeremiah 29:4-14
12.11.25 - Dennis Brown - Mark 2:1-12
12.12.02 - Dennis Brown - Acts 6:8-8:8