In Our World
To support Michelle, please send donations via the below websites, noting your gift is for -:
Michelle Ko, Missionary ID: 034642
Taiwan: https://donate.spgateway.com/simtaiwan/online-donation
USA: https://www.simusa.org/get-involved/give/
Australia: https://www.sim.org.au
Long Term Missionary
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My name is Michelle Ko. I was born and raised in Taiwan. I came to faith in Christ when I was 19 through the witness of Christian missionaries. I joined SIM (Serving In Mission) in 2002 and ministered to AIDS-infected orphans in Kenya for 9 years. I was a SIM mission mobilizer in Sydney, Australia, where I organized and trained mission teams, spoke to congregations about missions, and mentored potential missionaries.
As much as I loved to live in Australia, my heart yearned to move back to Africa to be a frontline missionary again. In 2018 I moved to the south coast of Tanzania, where the gospel is least reached. This part of the country is spiritually very dark. The weather is extremely hot and humid, not an easy place for missionary to thrive! I was settled in Tanzania for quite some time however due to a change in government the situation became very dangerous and almost all missionaries had to leave the country. Many of us were never able to return. Therefore, I very reluctantly returned to Taiwan and waited on the Lord's guidance about where to go next.
I waited for a very long time but in the waiting, God slowly revealed his plan for my life and now I am about to embark on a new mission to Japan. If you have time, please go through my newsletters or sign up to receive them using my email address. God has orchestrated this new mission and has placed a burden on my heart for the people of Japan. I look forward to this new mission and ask that you pray with me for the people of Japan and for the gospel to spread throughout the country.
“SEE, I am doing a new thing! now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19