20250323 Bulletin
Friendship Taipei
Song : The Steadfast Love of the Lord
Call to Worship
Song : Behold Our God
Song : This is Amazing Grace
Song :Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Peace & Greeting*
Message :
Be Strong and Courageous / Joshua 1:1-9
Sermon Series: Be Courageous
Pastor Peter Kim
Song: I Speak Jesus
Offering : Your Will be Done
• Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church. If you are new, please be sure to fill out the connect card and hand it to one of our ushers, or fill out this form: http://tiny.cc/fpcconnect
• FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@924tqaqm"
• Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: http://tiny.cc/fpcprayer. All are welcome.
• Baptism Class - 3/23, 13:15-14:30: This class is for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ but have not been baptized, or anyone who just wants to know more about baptism. A simple lunch will be provided. Please sign up at: http://tiny.cc/fpcbaptism.
• Prison Ministry – 4/24, 12:00-5:00pm: On April 24, we will visit a prison and assist a group of missionaries, pastors, churches, and organizations in holding a worship service for the Christian prisoners and prisoners who are interested in learning more about Jesus. If you are interested in joining us this day, please send a message to us let us know of your interest.
“Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls, and in order to practice."
–Jonathan Edwards
If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:
Michelle Ko and John Li
Please email fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com to find out how to support them.