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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106



Leaders & Staff

Jesus is Lord of His church. Underneath the guidance of Jesus are leaders who are specially called to shepherd the sheep and serve the church.


Our Senior Pastor: Rev. Peter Kim


Elders are responsible for the church's governance and spiritual oversight. To engage members in the mission of the church and to furnish evangelism, worship, supervision, teaching and pastoral care.

Our Elders: Larry Dilley, David MacRaild, Peter Wang, Peter Kim, Martin Manullang, Peter Brown, Philip Hartshorne.

Deacons & DeaconesSes

Deacons are responsible for meeting the physical needs of the congregation and for managing the church's resources, such as welcoming newcomers, leading the worship and assisting with the Lord's Supper.

Our Deacons & Deaconesses: Alex Tsai, Joanna Cheng, Annabelle Chua, Jack Coetsee, Wei-Lun Wei, Dofran Luhulima, Andreas Simon, Chiaki Ota, Lucienne Tseng, Thokozani Sawasawa, Yuping Wu.

Administrative Assistants

Administrative Assistants provide assistance and support to the Pastor and leadership of the congregation, including public communication and finance.

Our Assistants: Grace Chen and Steven Wu