In Our City
Our strong desire is to reach out and become involved in the life of our city by sharing God's love not only on Sundays, but also in other practical ways throughout the week.
Serve Taipei
First, we encourage individuals and families to love and serve those closest to them.
Second, we are seeking to develop a few gospel partnerships with organizations in the city of Taipei that are doing good work. Instead of trying to "reinvent the wheel," we would rather partner with existing organizations that know what they are doing. We gladly offer prayer, volunteer service, and financial support to these organizations.
If you want to find out ways you can serve, or if you have ideas about how to more effectively get our congregation involved in serving, please talk to the pastor or deacons.
Sanchong New Blessing Church
Kayt & Kalan Spencer
Sanchong is one of the least churched areas in Northern Taiwan, with only one church for every 40,000 people. Our long-term vision has been to plant a local, gospel-centered, community-impacting church. Over the past few years of Bible study, outreach, and evangelism, we have grown into a small church: Sanchong New Blessing Church (三重祝福教會). This is a Mandarin-speaking community seeking to glorify God and bless Sanchong. Please check out our Facebook page or visit our website!
International Church
Linkou International Church is the newest church plant serving the ever-growing Linkou District. They seek to be a light reaching out to both the local and expat communities. It is exciting to serve the community with ministries like MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) and an summer camp for children in 2022. Please visit us (GTB大瀚環球廣場 - 4 樓 會議中心 新北市林口區文化二路一段390號 ) if you are in Linkou area!
China Reformed Theological Seminary
‘Seeking the fruit that increases to your credit because of your partnership commitment with our ministry”
Philippians 4:15-17
CRTS is one of these gospel partnerships FPC supports. Click on this link to find out ways in which you can pray for this vital ministry.