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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106



Community Groups

Living into God's story

The church is a group of people gathered together by God to participate in his community together.

At FPC, we often say that you are not really in the church unless you are in a community group. Some may be offended by that, but we believe it is true. The Bible says we are to love each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, and sometimes even to reprove one another. How can we do that, if we are not in face-to-face relationships? So we are always telling people to visit a couple of groups, find one that “fits” you, and then commit to it—whether you are here for three months or three years. 

As a church, we are intentionally living into God's story and believe transformation takes place as we journey together. Community groups provide a place of connection. Groups of 6-12 people provide a place to build relationships, study Scripture, and serve one another and the city.

Below is a list of current groups. Scheduled meeting times occasionally change, so please get in touch or contact the group leader(s) before you visit a group. Groups are co-ed unless otherwise indicated.


finding grace

Sunday afternoons, 2:00-4:00pm, in the church service building, 2nd floor, room A3 ( This group is for newcomers to the church but also welcomes regular attendees. We are currently studying Genesis: The Calling of Abraham by Timothy Keller. Contact Peter Brown at, if you are interested.

M.I.B. (Ministry in Bahasa)

Sunday afternoons, 1:30-3:30pm, in the church office ( This group is for anyone who wants to grow together using Bahasa Indonesia. We are currently studying through the Bible Project videos. Contact group leader Dofran for details here


iHope, Neihu

Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:30pm, In Neihu at House of Praise. We are currently studying through a book called “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. Contact group leader Jack Coetsee for details here

G.U.Y.S. (God understands You, Sinner)

Wednesday evenings, 7:15-9:15pm, in the church office ( This group is for men only. We are currently studying through a book called “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller. Contact group leader David MacRaild for details ( 


friendship club

1st Thursday of the month, 7:00-9:00pm, in the church office ( This group meets for worship, Bible study, and discussion. Contact group leader Noto for details here

#tbt (Thursday Bible Talk)

Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00pm, near Xiangshan MRT exit 2. #tbt is for singles and couples. We are currently discussing Sunday sermons. Contact group leader Alex Tsai for details here


t.g.i.f. (Thank God IT’s Friday)

Friday evenings, 7:50-10:00pm, in the church office ( The group meets to worship in song, study the Word, pray, and reach out together. We are currently studying through a video series about church history. Contact group leader Peter Kim for details here



This is for those new to or exploring Christianity. It consists of one-on-one meetings with a trained church member to study the Gospel of John using the Uncover studies. Please contact via the "get in touch" link above if you are interested in participating. 

Banner image courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Rawpixel

Finding Grace

M.I.B. (Ministry in Bahasa)

iHope, Neihu

G.U.Y.S. (God Understands You, Sinner)

Friendship Club

#TBT (Thursday Bible Talk)

T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Friday)