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101, 6F, Section 3, Tingzhou Road
Gongguan, Taipei City, 100


Weekly Bulletin

20240519 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : To God Be the Glory

Call to Worship
Song :
The Lord is My Salvation
Song : Praise to the Lord, the Almighty


Song : Rock of Ages
Peace & Greeting*
Message :
You Were Meant to Grow with the Church / Ephesians 4:1-16/ Peter Kim

Sermon Series: Your Purpose in Life (Gospel and Life: Ephesians)


Song: Let Your Glory Fall

Offering : The Church's One Foundation




Welcome to FPC: Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available down the hall. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church. If you are new, please be sure to fill out the connect card and hand it to one of our ushers, or fill out this form: 

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@924tqaqm"

Church New Location and Time starting June 2, 11:30am @Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Building: Starting on June 2, our church will meet at the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan General Assembly Building on the 2nd floor at 11:30am. Please note the new location at 

FPC Afternoon Service Launches on June 2, 4:00pm: Due to the limited size of our new location, we will begin a second afternoon service at 4pm. The 11:30am and 4:00pm services will be the same except that at the 4:00pm service Children’s ministry will not be offered. We encourage many to consider attending the afternoon service instead of the morning service to help with the size limitations.

Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: All are welcome.

Baptism Class - 5/19, 12:45-13:45 @Music room: This class is for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ but have not been baptized, or anyone who just wants to know more about baptism. It will be held in the room at the end of the hallway from the sanctuary. A simple lunch will be provided. Please sign up at:

Communicant’s Class - 5/5, 12, 19, 26, 12:45-13:45 @Music room: If your child is aged 13-17, we welcome them to join our Communicant’s class which runs in conjunction with the “Joining the Church: Next Step” class. Whether your child is seeking to get baptized, or is wanting to confirm their faith in the Lord as a baptized person, this is the class for them. The process of becoming communicant members (thus, being able to take communion) includes the Communicant’s class, an interview with the elders, and taking vows in front of the congregation. The class will take place at the end of the hallway (The music room). A simple lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of NT$50.

Prison Ministry – 5/24, 12:00-5:00pm: The April 15th visit was cancelled. The visit has been rescheduled to be on May 24. We will visit a prison and assist a group of missionaries, pastors, churches, and organizations in holding a worship service for the Christian prisoners and prisoners who are interested in learning more about Jesus. Please keep us in your prayers.

“It is most certain that the church cannot flourish unless the parts and members of it perform holy duties and offices in their capacities, both in church and at home. The lack of religion in families is the decay of churches…The degree of piety in families directly determines the strength and prosperity of the church and Christ’s kingdom."

  –Thomas Risley

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email to find out how to support them.