Noteworthy Events
Peter Brown
The Sower, by Vincent van Gogh
• Youth Ministry Welcome Overnight - Aug. 23-24: All FPC kids who will be starting the 7th-grade (or higher) this fall are invited to an overnight in the church building. A pizza dinner, worship, games, snacks, Bible study, and a tasty breakfast will all be provided—plus, an off-site activity Saturday morning! Permission slips are available at the Newcomer Welcome table in the fellowship hall.
• Newcomers Welcome Lunch - Aug. 25, 1:15-2:45pm: If you are new to FPC in the last two months, come join us for food and fellowship. You can register at the Newcomer Welcome table in the fellowship hall, or simply meet us in Room 402 of the church building at 1:15pm on the 25th.
• Communicants’ Class – Sept. 1 & Sept. 15, 12:30-2:30pm: Dr. Tim Yates will teach a required communicants’ class for all middle-school or youth-age students who wish to receive communion and be baptized (if needed) as non-voting members of the church. Contact Anna Furness to register for this class (
• Church Membership Class – New Format – Sundays in September: Our church membership classes are being presented in a new, hour-long format over four Sundays starting in September. We will meet from 1:15 to 2:15pm on Sunday, Sept. 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd. The location will be room 401 for the 1st and room 402 for the other dates. This schedule will be repeated in October and November as well. Participation is open to all. Those specifically seeking membership must attend all four classes. Sign up at the Newcomer Welcome table in the fellowship hall.
• Community Groups – New Quarter Begins in September: We encourage all attendees of FPC to be actively involved in a community group. The groups are a valuable and convenient way to both grow in the gospel and serve the church. The expected length of commitment is 3 months (one “quarter”), so the ideal time to join is at the beginning of a quarter. Our fall quarter begins Sunday Sept. 1st. Check the poster outside the church office in the fellowship hall or visit the Newcomer Welcome table (even if you are not “new”), for details.
• Churchwide Retreat – Oct. 10-12: Register here: Or scan the QR code below marked “Registration.” For the FAQ page, access this link: Or scan the QR code below marked “FAQ”.
For more details, feel free to contact Erika Ho at
• FPC Line News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will not receive messages from other people, only from FPC. You can also send prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@osv3181q" or scan the QR code below marked “News Group.”
News Group