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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106



Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

Noteworthy Events

Peter Brown

Ascension, Harold Copping

Ascension, Harold Copping

FPC Worship Building Closed: As part of our COVID-19 prevention steps, the doors to our worship building are currently closed. Please check our website (, LINE news group (see below), or Facebook page (“Friendship Church Taipei”) for updates.


FPC Line News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@osv3181q" or scan this QR code:

• Church Membership Class – 4 Sundays Each Month: Our church membership classes are being presented in an hour-long format over four Sundays each month of the spring. In  May, we will meet from 1:15 to 2:15pm on the 10th, 17th, 26th, and 31st in the room at the end of the hall from the sanctuary. (As part of our COVID-19 prevention steps, these meetings may take place online. Please check our website for updates.) This will be the last opportunity to take the classes until the fall quarter. Participation is open to all and does not obligate you to become a member. However, those seeking membership must attend all four classes (or make up missed classes in the fall).

Youth Ministry Weekly Gatherings – New Time/Date: Our youth ministry has moved its weekly gatherings from Friday evenings to Sunday afternoons. The meetings go from 2:30 to 4:30pm and are held in the church offices. (As part of our COVID-19 prevention steps, these meetings may be held online. Please check our website for updates.) As always, our aim is to provide a time of worship, Bible study, fellowship, and fun.

• Monthly Prayer Meeting – May 12, 7:30-9:00pm: Join us for an evening of kingdom-centered prayer. We gather at 7:30pm in room 320 in the church offices building and go into prayer from 7:45 to 9:00. All are welcome but must follow our COVID-19 prevention steps (see

Looking for people to serve on the Audio/Visual team on Sundays: Please email or send a message to the Line group if you are willing to serve in this capacity. Training will be provided. Immediate help needed.

Youth Ministry Opportunity: We are seeking a volunteer to serve in our Youth Ministry as a teacher and assistant. If you are feeling called to serve in this exciting ministry, please contact Asst. Pastor Peter Brown ( ) for more information.


FPC Sanchong Church Plant (“New Blessings”): Support our Mandarin-language church plant in Sanchong by “Liking” their Facebook page. Search this
phrase:三重祝福教會 or scan this QR code: