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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

Tanzania Update: Change of Plan

Peter Brown


Hi, Friends.

I have received so many inquiries of my welfare lately. People have asked if I am safe or if Tanzania has been affected by the virus yet, and what that means for me in Africa. I want to thank you all for your concern. I also want to let you know that actually, at the moment, I am not in Tanzania. Rather, I am in Europe, where the outbreak is even more serious than Africa!

Back in October last year I already planned a vacation to take a break from my work in Africa and to recoup. I planned a trip to Spain and Portugal to enjoy some outdoor activities and rest, for my annual leave in March. Before I set off at the end of February, I reconfirmed the epidemic situation and felt that only Italy was unsatisfactory at the time. 

After spending some downtime in Spain, I headed over to Portugal. But it was here that I became "trapped." When I had arrived in Spain in early March, there were no signs of the epidemic, and tourists were everywhere. Beginning on March 13th, the European epidemics broke out, one after another, and Spain became the worst-hit country after Italy.

At that time, only 3 days after I arrived in Portugal, the Spanish border was completely closed. The airport was closed, too, and my plane from Spain to Tanzania was grounded. So, I could not go back to Spain to catch my flight back to Tanzania. Portugal was (and is) also in a state of emergency, with all shops and hotels currently suspended.

Suddenly everything had stopped. But my heart began to panic. Everything about this situation was unfamiliar, and Portuguese was incomprehensible to me. Where was I going to find accommodation and food? I had not planned this and was expecting to be back in Tanzania. Thank God, again and again, for his rich provision. His provision is way beyond my imagination. 

Through contact with a friend from afar, the local Chinese pastor in the area immediately assisted me to find a safe shelter. At present, I have no plans for the next step, because any plan this year cannot keep up with the changes brought about by the epidemic.

I will temporarily stay in Portugal until the end of April, and then evaluate the situation together with my missions organization SIM, to figure out the next steps.

All schools in Tanzania have been suspended due to the outbreak, and there is no possibility of online teaching. Our team also has colleagues who have returned to their country for health reasons.

During this time of global unrest and tension as a result of the epidemic, let us pray earnestly. Let us look to Jesus who gives peace, because He lives and is the Lord of life, our only hope! I pray that the Lord will use me even here in this situation. 

By His Grace,
