Noteworthy Events
Peter Brown
Worship service at New Blessings church, Sanchong.
• FPC Line News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@osv3181q" or scan this QR code:
• Newcomers Welcome Lunch - Sept. 29, 1:15-2:45pm: If you are new to FPC in the last two months, come join us for food and fellowship. You can register at the Newcomer Welcome table in the fellowship hall, or simply meet us in Room 402 of the church building at 1:15pm on the 29th.
• Churchwide Retreat – Oct. 10-12: Register here: Questions? See our FAQ page here: For additional details, contact Erika Ho at
• Church Membership Class – New Format – Sundays in September: Our church membership classes are being presented in a new, hour-long format over four Sundays starting in September. We will meet from 1:15 to 2:15pm on Sept. 1st, and at the same time on the 8th, 15th, and 22nd. We will be in room 401 on the 1st and in room 402 for the other dates. This schedule will be repeated in October and November. Participation is open to all and does not obligate you to become a member. However, those seeking membership must attend all four classes (missed classes can be made up the following month). Sign up at the Newcomer Welcome table in the fellowship hall.
• Sunday School Class – Sundays, 1:15-2:30pm: A 9-week class on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, taught by Elder Alan Fiol, continues through Sunday, Nov. 10 in room 501. Open to all.
• Spotlight on Service: Did you know that each Sunday church service at FPC takes an average of 28 individual acts of service? We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the 56 individuals who served FPC during a Sunday Service or special event in August. Email to find out how you can join our team of volunteers.
• Youth Group Weekly Gatherings - Fridays, 6:30-9:30pm: Our youth ministry provides a time of worship, Bible study, fellowship, and fun. We meet every Friday, 6:30-9:30pm, at 261 Roosevelt Road, 6th floor.
• FPC Sanchong Church Plant (“New Blessings”): Support our Mandarin-language church plant in Sanchong by “Liking” their Facebook page. Search this
phrase:三重祝福教會 or scan this QR code: