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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

5 Questions with...Gary Lee

Peter Brown

1. How did you first get involved with Friendship Presbyterian?  I came to Taiwan in the summer of 2017 as an accompanying spouse. During the first two years, I met and got to know people within our community and was invited to attend FPC.

2. What do you do Monday through Saturday?  From Monday to Friday, I teach high-school algebra at Morrison Academy and on the weekends, I spend time with my family and friends.

3. What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?  Now that I am teaching at Morrison, I introduce myself as a teacher. But before I moved to Taiwan, I worked in the software industry for 15 years as a developer.

4. What do you find most challenging about being a Christian today?  Trusting in God can be challenging living overseas. I've had to learn how to trust God with adjustments, career, and relationships as a foreigner in Taiwan.

5. What is one of your favorite books of the Bible?  James. First, because it is a relatively short book and I can finish it in one setting. However, even though it is short, there is so much in every verse that it feels fresh every time I read it. Take for example, the verse about viewing trials and hardships as a joy (James 1:2). It sounds so counterintuitive, yet it is so true when developing our faith and trust in God. I have learned so much in each chapter of James through every season of my life, and it continues to teach me during my time here in Taiwan.