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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

From the Desk of Pastor Kim

Peter Brown


by Peter Kim

Thanksgiving and Prayers

As Thanksgiving comes up (as celebrated in America and in many Taiwanese churches), I wanted to spend this time to give thanks to God for the many ways that He has blessed our church this year.

I am thankful for the retreat that we had last month in which we had the opportunity to draw closer together to form purposeful connections.

I am thankful for the fact that in this year alone, we have had over thirty people become members of our church and we are anticipating another ten or so in this next month.

I am thankful for the multiple baptisms that were conducted this year (ten in total, four of which were for teenagers and four for infants/children).

I am thankful for the many conversations that happen during our in-service sharing times.

I am thankful for our children’s ministry and how many children are learning about Jesus every week.

I am thankful for our youth ministry that strives to be a place where the youth can be rooted in God’s truth.

I am thankful for our university ministry, G2C, and all the students it reaches.

I am thankful for how we are striving to be gospel-centered in all that we do as a church.

I am thankful for our leadership the elders, the deacons, and the staff and all the hard work that they put in week in and week out.

I am thankful for all the volunteers and all those who have chosen to serve to continue to build up our people.

I am thankful for the many visitors we have throughout the year.

I am thankful for God’s work through us to be a light to so many people.

Here is my prayer:

Thank you dear Lord for all the ways that You have blessed Friendship Presbyterian Church, not only through providing and guiding us through this year, but also by the fact that You have used our church to be a blessing to so many people all over. We are thankful that You involve us in Your kingdom work in Tanzania through our sister Michelle. We are thankful that You involve us in Your kingdom work through the church-plants here in Taiwan in Sanchong and Banqiao. We are thankful that You involve us in Your kingdom work through CRTS, the seminary here in Taipei which trains many people for future ministry. I am so thankful for the many ways that You involve us in Your kingdom work. My prayer, LORD, is that You lead Friendship Presbyterian Church continually in Your ways that we may walk in Your truth by the leading of Your Holy Spirit with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May we shine Your light in this land and around the world. Would you provide for us all that we need including more leaders and volunteers who are willing to give it their all for Your kingdom work. And may You be exalted and glorified through our church, the gathering of believers here at Friendship Presbyterian Church. For Your name’s sake, we ask all these things in the powerful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.