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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

5 Questions With...Dani Puspitasari

Peter Brown


1. How did you first get involved with Friendship Presbyterian?  I came to Taiwan from Indonesia for my master's degree. I got a scholarship from school to study education, then my Indonesian friends brought me to FPC. 

2. What do you do Monday through Saturday?  Now, I'm doing a Ph.D. in digital learning and education. On weekdays, I take the courses for my degree and teach Bahasa Indonesia (my native language) once a week on my campus. 

3. What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?  Ha-ha, maybe I don't like food with durian flavor. I don't know why, as an Asian person, this fruit still tastes not okay for me, if you combine it with other food like durian ice cream, durian cake, durian candy…

4. What do you find most challenging about being a Christian today?  I find it is challenging to be a disciple nowadays, especially with a tight schedule, committing to a small group as an accountability group and studying the Bible together weekly. 

5. What is one of your favorite books of the Bible, and why?  The Psalms. I have been reading this book as my morning devotion these past three months. There are practical instructions and also devotional thoughts about how believers should live. Following the chapters daily, we can see how the psalmist put his faith in God in any circumstance.