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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

5 Questions with...Elisabeth Kathryn

Peter Brown



1. How did you first get involved with Friendship Presbyterian?  I first came to Taiwan to take master studies at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Finding the right church was one of my first concerns, until my senior introduced me to FPC. I thank God for letting me find this warm church, stay, become a member, and join the student ministry and the music team.

2. What do you do Monday through Saturday?  Since I have finished my studies, I am now working as an architect in a facade consultant in Taipei. To balance my working life, I usually do various things at night like learning Chinese, joining a guzheng club (the guzheng is a traditional Chinese musical instrument, like a zither), joining a Bible study, or just hanging out with friends. During the weekend, I prefer to go around the city, enjoying the scenery of nature or architecture.

3. What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?  Well, coming to Taiwan was not actually my first option. I tried to look for other scholarship opportunities in other countries and dreamed of being out of Asia for my first time. But Taiwan was the one who offered me a full scholarship with a monthly stipend. At first, it was not easy to set aside all of those dreams. But I have never regretted my decision to come to Taiwan. It is the best life experience I have had and I thank God for everything, even letting me work here after graduation. I believe that everything that happens in my life is all in God's awesome and unpredictable plan. We just need to trust Him! 

4. What do you find most challenging about being a Christian today?  I think the biggest challenge is to actively declare the truth to our surroundings, make them know that we are Christian and, even further, make them interested in Christianity. Sometimes we are so busy to mingle and trying to be accepted by society that we forget to talk about the gospel. Being different, going against the stream, and speaking out the truth while still being friends and showing love to people are really challenging. One key to overcoming those challenges is to maintain strong relationships with God and other believers.

5. What is one of your favorite books of the Bible?  Not easy for me to answer this, but perhaps Psalms and Proverbs. Those books provide Bible verses that suit almost all kinds of moods (happy, worried, angry, anxious, etc.), so I can refer to these books in any kind of life phase. I also like how the books are beautifully written in such a poetic way.