Upcoming Events
Peter Brown
Pastor Dennis Brown (2008-2018)
• Children’s Ministry Summer Schedule. For the month of July, the Children’s ministry will be taking a break from formal teaching. The children can go to their normal classrooms and enjoy fellowship together, snacks, and movie time. Regular classes will resume in August.
• Gospel-Centered Leadership – Wednesdays, July-August, 7:30pm. Men are invited to a third round of community group gatherings for men. Our focus will be on gospel-centered leadership. Deacon David Morton will be leading. For the month of July, the group will meet at the church apartment. You can sign up at the welcome table or e-mail Peter Brown at pb2059@gmail.com to indicate your interest. This segment will last for approximately eight weeks.
• G2C Language Exchange – Sunday, July 15th, 3:30-4:30pm. Join FPC’s student ministry, G2C (Gospel 2 the Campus), today for a chance to practice your English—or your Mandarin. You do not have to be a student to participate! Location will be announced during the service.
• Monthly Prayer Group – Tuesday, July 17th, 7:30-9:00pm. Come join us at “The Engine Room,” FPC’s monthly prayer group, for an evening of kingdom-centered prayer. We gather at 7:30pm and go into prayer from 7:45 to 9:00. All are welcome. Contact Peter Brown at pb2059@gmail.com for the (nearby) address.
• Pastor’s Open House, Saturday, July 21st, 6:30-9:30pm. You are invited to an open house hosted by Pastor Dennis at the pastoral apartment on Saturday, July 21st from 6:30 to 9:30pm. Come and see the remodeled church apartment and have one more opportunity to pray for and bless each other. If you need the address, email Pastor Dennis (dennis.brown.pca@gmail.com) or the church (fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com).
• Summer Sermons. Pastor Dennis will conclude our long study on the Book of Romans on July 29th. The titles of his messages will be "Friends" and "Final Benediction.” In August, there will be four guest speakers who will be preaching through the Book of 1 John. Then, on September 2nd, Peter Kim will be installed as lead pastor with Pastor Paul Kong preaching.