Vern Poythress Visits FPC
Peter Brown
We are excited to announce that this Sunday and next, June 10th and 17th, we will have a special opportunity here at FPC. Renowned theologian and teacher, Dr. Vern Poythress and his wife, Dr. Diane Poythress, are visiting Taiwan and Vern will be giving an hour-long talk at 1:15pm, both Sundays, on the 7th floor of the 261 Roosevelt Road building. He will also be delivering the Sunday message on the 17th. (Jump to the bottom of this article for a brief video clip of Dr. Poythress.)
Dr. Poythress earned a B.S. in Mathematics from California Institute of Technology, where he was class valedictorian, and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard University. He completed an M.Div. at Westminster Theological Seminary as well as a Th.M. in apologetics. He has received an M.Litt. in New Testament from Cambridge University and a Th.D. in New Testament from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. He has also served on the Translation Oversight Committee for the ESV Bibles that sit in our pews.
We encourage you to make time to attend his Sunday, June 10th meeting. Naturally, we think you will be enriched by both talks, but Sunday afternoon schedules are often filled with activity. So, if you can carve out time for just one of the two talks, make it the one on the 10th.
There are two good reasons for this. First, if you like what you hear on the 10th, you will still have the option of coming back for more on the 17th! Second, the topic for the meeting of the 10th will have more of a practical focus (Studying the Bible in God's Presence) and will likely be a better "starter" talk than the one scheduled for the 17th (Christ in Leviticus), though we are equally excited about both. You are welcome to bring your lunch for both of the talks.
The chance to personally "sit at the feet" of Dr. Poythress is an enriching opportunity that few have. For those who attended any of the marvelous lectures by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson here at FPC last fall, be assured that Dr. Poythress is a "Ferguson-level" teacher (some might even say that Dr. Ferguson is a "Poythress-level" teacher!).
To whet your appetite, here is a short video of Dr. Poythress giving an introduction to one of the most challenging books of the Bible, the Book of Revelation. Hope to see you on the 10th!