5 Questions with...Flora Chee
Peter Brown
1. How did you first get involved with Friendship Presbyterian? I was first brought to FPC by one of my senior classmates from University at the very beginning of my study here in Taiwan, 4 years ago. Back then, I had just finished my high schooling at an Independent Chinese High School (ICHS) in Malaysia. Together with my friends, we applied for further studies in Taiwan, a very common thing for ICHS graduates to do. Thankfully, I was accepted, and that is how I come to be in Taiwan.
2. What do you do Monday through Saturday? I am an undergrads student, so most of my time is usually spent studying, and preparing for the coming test.
3. What is something people might be surprised to know about you? I think people seem surprised that I study dentistry. Or maybe I should say people seem interested when they know I study dentistry!
4. What do you find most challenging about being a Christian today? For me, one of the challenges of being a Christian today is trying to be salt and light among my fellow nonbelieving friends. Outside of church, most of my friends are nonbelievers, so there are a lot of times when we show different goals, interests, and values. As a human, we have our own will, that is contrary to God's, and are weak. So the challenge here is that I think it is easy to be influenced and swayed by my peers, especially when I want to find the path of least resistance among friends—which does not always mean following God’s will.
5. What is one of your favorite books of the Bible? The Psalms are my favorite. I have been using this for my devotion and I still find it intriguing. I think I like how a psalm can be very comforting, that God understands human emotion, and that whatever thought that we have, no matter if it is a good thought or a bad thought, from how David curses his neighbor to praising God, God cares and listens. It feels like a very personal and comforting book.