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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106


Fit Kids Outdoor Easter Outreach


Our regular worship is every Sunday at 11:30am & 4:00pm.

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Fit Kids Outdoor Easter Outreach

Unfortunately we've had to postpone our Easter outreach until April 2 due to the bad weather. Event stays the same! 

Come and join us for fun and games at Da An Forest Park while at the same time learning about the true story of Easter and the Resurrection. We will provide fruit snacks, however please bring along your own water bottle. Children should wear comfortable clothing and sneakers for running around in! Games include an egg hunt, potato sack races, egg and spoon races, bunny tag and much much more. This event is open to all children of all ages and we encourage you to bring along a friend. 

Earlier Event: March 27
Easter Sunday
Later Event: April 10
Newcomers Welcome!