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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106


I Have A Question!


Our regular worship is every Sunday at 11:30am & 4:00pm.

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I Have A Question!

Everyone has questions. Everyone has some doubts. Even Christians! Jesus and mature Christians are never afraid of questions. Jesus always said, “Come and see.” Christianity will make you think more, not less.

Since the new Chinese Year we have been looking at a series of lunches together at the church in Room 501. The sessions are from 1:15 to 2:30.

We will use some 30 minute DVD’s from some of the best teachers like Tim Keller, Ravi Zacharias, Eric Mataxas and Nabeel Qureshi. After the talk, we will have some group discussion and then break into smaller groups. This will also be an opportunity for some of you to get a taste of community and hopefully commit to regular participation in small groups.

Here are some of the questions which will be addressed:

  • How can you find an identity that allows you to handle success and failure? 
  • Is Jesus the only way to God? 
  • Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? 
  • What about same-sex attraction? 
  • What is marriage? 
  • Do miracles happen?

Next Meeting April 10: Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Christianity and Islam are two of the three Abrahamic faiths, and have a shared history of key figures. An Islamic caliphate was recently re-established in the middle east by ISIS, the first serious effort at rebuilding a global Islamic government since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920s. The question of political Islam is one that Christians will be called to answer. Come and discuss this important questions, Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? This will be led by Jason Warren. 

Earlier Event: April 10
Newcomers Welcome!