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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106


Order of Worship - Summer Sunday School Program


Our regular worship is every Sunday at 11:30am & 4:00pm.

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Order of Worship - Summer Sunday School Program

This summer we will be looking at the 'Order of Worship'. It's a 13 week curriculum with the 13 different components of the order of worship that our church follows. It tells the story of why and how we worship The Lord. The goal is to walk children through each part of the Order of Worship, giving them a simple summary of what each part means. It will include a Bible story, worshiping through song and art activities. 

Children from ages 3 through to 6th grade will first gather in Room 402 (4th floor). Children visiting are also welcome. Our summer program begins on June 7 and goes through August 30.