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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
Taipei City, 106


Weekly Bulletin

20250202 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Here I am to Worship

Call to Worship
Song :
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
Song : In Christ Alone


Song : Be Thou My Vision
Peace & Greeting*

Message :

Abiding in Jesus as Disciples/John 15:1-17

Jesus's Last Words

Pastor Peter Kim


Song: Living for Jesus

Offering : Everywhere He Leads Me I Will Follow On




Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church. If you are new, please be sure to fill out the connect card and hand it to one of our ushers, or fill out this form: 

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@924tqaqm"

Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: All are welcome.

2024 Tax Receipt for Offering/Donations: If you would like a 2024 Taiwan tax receipt, in either electronic or hard-copy format, please fill out the brief form at the following link by Feb 16th: You will receive the receipt as soon as it’s available.

“Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls, and in order to practice."

  –Jonathan Edwards

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email to find out how to support them.

20250126 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Here I am to Worship

Call to Worship
Song :
Shine Jesus shine
Song : O Jesus I have promised


Song : Trust and obey
Peace & Greeting*

Message :

Obeying Jesus as Disciples /John 14:15-31

Jesus's Last Words

Pastor Peter Kim


Song: All I Have is Christ

Offering : He has made me glad




Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church. If you are new, please be sure to fill out the connect card and hand it to one of our ushers, or fill out this form: 

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@924tqaqm"

All FCNI Retreat - 2/28-3/2: Registration deadline Jan 26! The FCNI retreat only occurs every few years. This is a great opportunity to get to know other churches within the FCNI network. The retreat will be bilingual and space will be limited so make sure to save the date and get ready for the registration. 

Shortened Service for CNY - 1/26: Chinese New Year is quickly coming upon us. Due to many people traveling during that time, our church will have a shortened service on January 26 and the afternoon service will be combined with the morning service (i.e., No 4:00pm service, only 11:30am service). We will also not provide children’s ministry nor have our usual after service fellowship.

2024 Tax Receipt for Offering/Donations: If you would like a 2024 Taiwan tax receipt, in either electronic or hard-copy format, please fill out the brief form at the following link by Feb 16th: You will receive the receipt as soon as it’s available.

“Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls, and in order to practice."

  –Jonathan Edwards

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email to find out how to support them.

20250119 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)

Call to Worship
Song :
All Creatures of Our God & King
Song : Holy, Holy, Holy


Song : Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Peace & Greeting*

Message :

Following Jesus as Disciples / John 14:1-14

Jesus's Last Words

Pastor Peter Kim


Song: What Grace is Mine

Offering : All The Way My Savior Leads Me




Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church. If you are new, please be sure to fill out the connect card and hand it to one of our ushers, or fill out this form: 

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@924tqaqm"

Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: All are welcome.

All FCNI Retreat - 2/28-3/2: Registration deadline Jan 26! The FCNI retreat only occurs every few years. This is a great opportunity to get to know other churches within the FCNI network. The retreat will be bilingual and space will be limited so make sure to save the date and get ready for the registration. 

Shortened Service for CNY - 1/26: Chinese New Year is quickly coming upon us. Due to many people traveling during that time, our church will have a shortened service on January 26 and the afternoon service will be combined with the morning service (i.e., No 4:00pm service, only 11:30am service). We will also not provide children’s ministry nor have our usual after service fellowship.

2024 Tax Receipt for Offering/Donations: If you would like a 2024 Taiwan tax receipt, in either electronic or hard-copy format, please fill out the brief form at the following link by Feb 16th: You will receive the receipt as soon as it’s available.

“Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls, and in order to practice."

  –Jonathan Edwards

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email to find out how to support them.

20250112 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Worthy

Call to Worship
Song :
Hosanna (Hillsong)
Song : Christ Our Hope In Life And Death


Song : More Than Enough
Peace & Greeting*

Message :

Loving Jesus as Disciples / John 13:21-38

Jesus's Last Words

Pastor Peter Kim


The Lord's Supper:

Offering : Never Let You Go




Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church. If you are new, please be sure to fill out the connect card and hand it to one of our ushers, or fill out this form: 

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@924tqaqm"

Communion Sunday - Today: We will hold our monthly celebration of the Lord’s Supper today. Please prepare your hearts for this intimate act of recognition of our dependence on our Lord Jesus Christ.

In-person Prayer Meeting – 1/14, 7:30-9:00pm, @Church office: Let’s gather for our in-person prayer meeting, The Engine Room. All are welcome.

All FCNI Retreat - 2/28-3/2: EARLY BIRD DEADLINE TODAY! The FCNI retreat only occurs every few years. This is a great opportunity to get to know other churches within the FCNI network. The retreat will be bilingual and space will be limited so make sure to save the date and get ready for the registration. 

FPC Community Learning – January 5, 12, 19: Join us on Sundays for 3 weeks to learn together as a community. Topics will include “Basics of Christianity” (13:30-14:30), “Preaching the Gospel in Mandarin” (14:30-15:30). Use this link to signup:

Shortened Service for CNY - 1/26: Chinese New Year is quickly coming upon us. Due to many people traveling during that time, our church will have a shortened service on January 26 and the afternoon service will be combined with the morning service (i.e., No 4:00pm service, only 11:30am service). We will also not provide children’s ministry nor have our usual after service fellowship.

2024 Tax Receipt for Offering/Donations: If you would like a 2024 Taiwan tax receipt, in either electronic or hard-copy format, please fill out the brief form at the following link by Feb 16th: You will receive the receipt as soon as it’s available.

“Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls, and in order to practice."

  –Jonathan Edwards

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email to find out how to support them.