Weekly Bulletin — Friendship Presbyterian Church

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3 Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd
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Weekly Bulletin

20230604 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Fairest Lord Jesus

Call to Worship
Song :
Jesus Strong and Kind
Song : My Worth Is Not In What I Own


Song : Behold Our God
Peace & Greeting*
Message :
Basics of Discipleship / Selected Texts / Pastor Peter Kim

(Sermon Series: Discipleship: Growing in Community)


Song: As the Deer

Offering :





Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available down the hall. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church.

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@748ayrjw"

FPC Member’s Gathering - 6/4, 13:00-15:00 @B11 in the office building: This event is for all members of FPC. We will have a special gathering, with lunch provided, to welcome our new members and to spend the time to get to know one another.

Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: http://tiny.cc/fpcprayer. All are welcome.

Communion Sunday - 6/11: We will hold our monthly celebration of the Lord’s Supper next Sunday. Please prepare your hearts for this intimate act of recognition of our dependence on our Lord Jesus Christ.

Share Your Food: 5/28 during ASF: We want to invite people to sign up to share your culture’s food to our congregation. All you need to do is prepare a dish that can feed about 10 people and we will provide small amounts for many people to taste. As an international church we have a special opportunity to experience many cultures, so please Share Your Food with us! Please sign up here: http://tiny.cc/fpcsyf 

"Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls, and in order to practice."

  –Jonathan Edwards

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com to find out how to support them.

202305028 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Call to Worship
Song :
Be Thou My Vision
Song : It is Well With My Soul


Song : My Worth Is Not in What I Own
Peace & Greeting*
Message :
""I Am Not Ready!" / Acts 8:26-40 / Pastor Peter Kim

(Sermon Series: Challenges in a Jesus Community)


Song: Speak, O Lord

Offering : Your Will be Done





Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available down the hall. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church.

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@748ayrjw"

FPC Member’s Gathering - 6/4, 13:00-15:00 @B11 in the office building: This event is for all members of FPC. We will have a special gathering, with lunch provided, to welcome our new members and to spend the time to get to know one another. There will also be some updates and reminders provided during our gathering so please be sure to RSVP at http://tiny.cc/membersgathering 

Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: http://tiny.cc/fpcprayer. All are welcome.

Share Your Food: 5/28 during ASF: We want to invite people to sign up to share your culture’s food to our congregation. All you need to do is prepare a dish that can feed about 10 people and we will provide small amounts for many people to taste. As an international church we have a special opportunity to experience many cultures, so please Share Your Food with us! Please sign up here: http://tiny.cc/fpcsyf 

Communicant’s Class - 5/28, 12:45-13:45 @Peter Kim’s office: If your child is aged 13-17, we welcome them to join our Communicant’s class which runs in conjunction with the “Joining the Church: Next Step” class. Whether your child is seeking to get baptized, or is wanting to confirm their faith in the Lord as a baptized person, this is the class for them. The process of becoming communicant members (thus, being able to take communion) includes the Communicant’s class, an interview with the elders, and taking vows in front of the congregation. A simple lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of NT$50.

"We glorify God when our service comes from faith in His strength, because the one who gives the strength gets the glory."

  –John Piper

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com to find out how to support them.

202305021 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Behold Our God

Call to Worship
Song :
All Creatures of Our God & King
Song : Since Jesus Came into My Heart


Song : Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
Peace & Greeting*
Message :
"Don't Be Radical!" / Acts 7:54-8:3 / Pastor Peter Kim

(Sermon Series: Challenges in a Jesus Community)


Song: He Leadeth Me

Offering : Above All





Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available down the hall. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church.

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@748ayrjw"

Online Prayer Meeting – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm: Join us each Tuesday evening for our kingdom-centered prayer meeting, The Engine Room. Use this link to join: http://tiny.cc/fpcprayer. All are welcome.

Share Your Food - during ASF: We want to invite people to sign up to share your culture’s food to our congregation. All you need to do is prepare a dish that can feed about 10 people and we will provide small amounts for many people to taste. As an international church we have a special opportunity to experience many cultures, so please Share Your Food with us! Please sign up here: http://tiny.cc/fpcsyf 

“Joining the Church: Next Step” - 5/7 & 5/14, 12:45-13:45: We encourage every person in our church to take the next step and become a member of the church. These two classes touch on FPC’s vision and four core values and will help you become more conversant about the gospel. The classes are required for those seeking membership, but you may also participate without seeking membership. We will meet in the room at the end of the hallway from the sanctuary. A simple lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of NT$50.

Baptism Class - 5/21, 12:45-13:45: This class is for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ but have not been baptized, or anyone who just wants to know more about baptism. It will be held in the room at the end of the hallway from the sanctuary. A simple lunch will be provided.

Communicant’s Class - 5/7, 14, 21, 28, 12:45-13:45 @Music room: If your child is aged 13-17, we welcome them to join our Communicant’s class which runs in conjunction with the “Joining the Church: Next Step” class. Whether your child is seeking to get baptized, or is wanting to confirm their faith in the Lord as a baptized person, this is the class for them. The process of becoming communicant members (thus, being able to take communion) includes the Communicant’s class, an interview with the elders, and taking vows in front of the congregation. The class will take place at the end of the hallway (The music room). A simple lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of NT$50.

FPC Member’s Gathering - 6/4, 13:00-15:00 @B11 in the office building: This event is for all members of FPC. We will have a special gathering, with lunch provided, to welcome our new members and to spend the time to get to know one another. There will also be some updates and reminders provided during our gathering so please be sure to RSVP at http://tiny.cc/membersgathering

"The religion of both Old and New Testaments is marked by fervent outspoken testimonies against evil. To speak smooth things in such a case may be sentimentalism, but it is not Christianity. It is a betrayal of the cause of truth and righteousness."

  –C.H. Spurgeon

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com to find out how to support them.

202305014 Bulletin

Friendship Taipei



Song : Goodness, Love and Mercy

Call to Worship
Song :
A Thousand Hallelujahs
Song : Still


Song : House of the Lord
Peace & Greeting*
Message :
"There's Too Much To Do!" / Acts 6:1-7 / Pastor Peter Kim

(Sermon Series: Challenges in a Jesus Community)


The Lord’s Supper: I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)

Offering : Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)





Welcome to FPC: We are glad that you are able to join us today. After service, there will be some refreshments available down the hall. Please, come and join us and get to know others in our church.

FPC LINE News Group: Be sure to join our FPC LINE news group, where you can get all the latest information about FPC. You will only receive messages from FPC. You can also send questions and prayer requests which will be received by the church leaders. To join, search for "@748ayrjw"

• Communion Sunday - Today: We will hold our monthly celebration of the Lord’s Supper today. Please prepare your hearts for this intimate act of recognition of our dependence on our Lord Jesus Christ.

• In-person Prayer Meeting – 5/16, 7:30-9:00pm, @Church office R319: Let’s gather for our in-person prayer meeting, The Engine Room. The meeting will be held in our church office in Room 319 in the next building over. All are welcome.

Share Your Food - during ASF: We want to invite people to sign up to share your culture’s food to our congregation. All you need to do is prepare a dish that can feed about 10 people and we will provide small amounts for many people to taste. As an international church we have a special opportunity to experience many cultures, so please Share Your Food with us! Please sign up here: http://tiny.cc/fpcsyf 

“Joining the Church: Next Step” - 5/7 & 5/14, 12:45-13:45: We encourage every person in our church to take the next step and become a member of the church. These two classes touch on FPC’s vision and four core values and will help you become more conversant about the gospel. The classes are required for those seeking membership, but you may also participate without seeking membership. We will meet in the room at the end of the hallway from the sanctuary. A simple lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of NT$50.

Baptism Class - 5/21, 12:45-13:45: This class is for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ but have not been baptized, or anyone who just wants to know more about baptism. It will be held in the room at the end of the hallway from the sanctuary. A simple lunch will be provided.

Communicant’s Class - 5/7, 14, 21, 28, 12:45-13:45 @Music room: If your child is aged 13-17, we welcome them to join our Communicant’s class which runs in conjunction with the “Joining the Church: Next Step” class. Whether your child is seeking to get baptized, or is wanting to confirm their faith in the Lord as a baptized person, this is the class for them. The process of becoming communicant members (thus, being able to take communion) includes the Communicant’s class, an interview with the elders, and taking vows in front of the congregation. The class will take place at the end of the hallway (The music room). A simple lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of NT$50.

"God's goodness is the root of all goodness, and our goodness, if we have any, springs out of His goodness."

  –William Tyndale

If you would like to join FPC in supporting these missionaries:

Michelle Ko and John Li

Please email fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com to find out how to support them.