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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

Sinclair Ferguson Visit

Peter Brown

During the last week of November, we were blessed to have renowned Reformed theologian and teacher Dr. Sinclair Ferguson with us. Under the sponsorship of China Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. Ferguson led a week-long lecture series on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and delivered the message at our Sunday service.

His Sunday message, based on the Old Testament story of Joseph, was a powerful reminder of the glory of God’s sovereignty and its immense value to us in coping with human adversity in our lives. To paraphrase Genesis 50:20, what someone may intend as evil against us, God may be using for good--though not necessarily our own personal good, as Dr.  Ferguson reminded us. Joseph’s survival of domestic abuse, involuntary slavery, and unjust incarceration was not all orchestrated by God simply for Joseph’s own spiritual growth (though it certainly contributed to that). It was also, perhaps even primarily, to enable Joseph to become a savior of thousands of people during a great famine in the ancient world.

Dr. Ferguson’s lecture series on the Holy Spirit was on a scale too large to effectively summarize here. But one of his many insights concerned the work of the Spirit in uniting believers with Christ. The most succinct exposition of this work, known as the doctrine of the Union with Christ, is found in 1 Corinthians 15:22: “For, as in Adam all die, so all will be made alive in Christ.” All humanity is “in,” that is, spiritually united with, either Adam or Christ. Because Adam sinned, death entered the world (1 Cor. 5:21), and so all who remain “in” Adam will eventually die. But all who put their faith in Christ and turn away from sin are “in” Christ, and will live eternally and abundantly. They have been spiritually united with Christ by the Spirit.

Dr.  Ferguson identified four dimensions to the Union with Christ. First, there is an eternal dimension. We see this in Ephesians 1:3-4, where the Apostle Paul writes that God has “blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world…”. This assures us of the profound strength and trustworthiness of our union with Christ.

Second, there is an incarnational dimension. This involves Christ’s fully human nature that existed alongside his fully divine nature. As Hebrews 2:17-18 teaches us, Christ “had to be made like [human beings], fully human in every way, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” On a personal level, our union with Christ is not a union with some distant, incomprehensible deity, but with a human being who shared our needs, fears, and temptations.

Third, there is a federal dimension. This is the basic idea of 1 Cor. 15:21-22 (as well as Romans 5:18-19), in which the one stands in for the many. This is perhaps the most essential (and sometimes vexing) aspect of our union with Christ. The action of one being is imputed to many others. Adam was our representative. So, because he sinned, we, his descendants, have sin imputed to us. From a certain angle, this can seem unfair. Yet consider the freedoms we enjoy because others fought in a war for us. We didn’t risk our own lives in combat, yet we enjoy the fruits of the victory won by those who did. Our soldiers are our representatives on the battlefield. The good news is that it works both ways. As much as we are condemned in Adam, we are equally saved in Christ. Because Christ lived the perfect, sinless life that God requires us to live, if we, then, are “in” Christ, God considers us also to have lived that perfect sinless life.

Finally, there is a spiritual dimension to our union with Christ. Everything that happens to our “representative,” whether Adam or Christ, also happens to us, on a spiritual level. What has happened to us? The Bible teaches that we, as sinful humans in Adam, have been condemned (for sin) and are due the punishment of death (Romans 6:23). But it also teaches that in Christ we have been raised from the dead (Rom. 6:4) and adopted as sons (and daughters) by our heavenly Father (Rom. 8:14-17). Accordingly, the same things have happened to Christ himself. On the cross, Christ’s human nature, although without sin, was made by God to be sin (2 Cor. 5:21), and was rightly condemned and punished for it, just as we would have been. Yet Christ was subsequently raised from the dead and “declared to be the Son of God” (Rom. 1:4)—that is, adopted by the Father, just as we are.

(Note--we may look at the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, where a voice from heaven proclaimed that Jesus was “my beloved Son” (Mark 1:9-11) and reasonably wonder if Christ’s adoption therefore took place before his resurrection. But Romans 1:4 makes clear that Christ’s human nature was “declared to be the Son of God…by his resurrection from the dead” (italics added). Thus, the heavenly declaration of Sonship at Jesus’ baptism is more of a picture than an actual event—just as baptism itself is a picture of the Christian’s conversion event, rather than the thing itself. Appropriately, in Jesus’ baptism, the heavenly declaration of Sonship comes after the baptismal act. Baptism is a symbol for the believer’s death and resurrection in Christ (Romans 6:4-5), from which heavenly adoption follows.)

Dr. Ferguson’s exposition of these four dimensions of our union with Christ enable us to grow in our understanding of, and our joy in, the glorious work of the Holy Spirit.

From the Desk of Pastor Dennis Brown

Dennis Brown

On November 1, 2008, I began my first year at Friendship. I flew to Taipei from Philadelphia the day after my beloved Phillies won the World Series. Some gently queried if I had perchance delayed my departure until the Phillies won! The answer to that remains between me and the Lord.

When I came to Taipei nine years ago, I had signed a three-year contract. We didn’t know how it would go, but I immediately fell in love with Friendship, Taipei, and the Taiwanese. And three years, little by little, stretched into ten. I have said to many that I would never return to the States if we didn’t have children, grandchildren, and extended family.

In the past year, there was the expectation that FPC would find a lead pastor to replace me. But alas, to this point, this hasn’t happened. And so when we came to the middle of this year, the elders offered a one-year contract to me (September to mid-summer, 2018) that would include much more leave than I have ever taken in this extended period of time. And so I was in the States most of the summer, and they have also allowed me the opportunity to be in the States over the Christmas holidays from December 5th to January 4th.

When I return in early January to conclude the last leg in this journey, the elders will also begin to share their transition plan. Much thought, discussion and prayer has gone into this. In short, it will call for using many of the extraordinary resources we have in the church to provide a staff team along with the elders and deacons to better insure the stability and the strength of the church going forward. You will be hearing more about this very shortly.  I’m quite excited about it, and believe that with the Lord’s grace and all of your support, the stability and the strength of the church can be sustained.

In preparation, you need to mark your calendar for some important dates:

Sunday, January 14 – The annual budget will be distributed to all the members.

Sunday, January 21 -   Town hall meeting and luncheon (1:00-3:00pm, room 702, 261 Roosevelt Rd. building). We want to gather our congregation, both members and regular attendees, for a family-style gathering over food, conversation, and a presentation on the part of the elders where they share their vision for the coming year. It will also include the rationale for the staffing of the church during an interim time while the search committee seeks a new pastor. This will also include any questions the congregation may have on anything—the proposed vision, the budget, anything.  Be sure to join us for this family meeting!

Sunday, January 28 – Congregational meeting to approve the proposed budget (1:00-3:00pm, room 602, 261 Roosevelt Rd. building). This brief meeting will be an opportunity for members to vote on the new budget. The main discussion on the budget will have taken place the week prior.

Also, when I return, I will resume my teaching on the Book of Romans. I cannot tell you how this study has impacted my own life. I walk around with a sense of wonder, and astonishment of the glories of my salvation and my Redeemer. It has brought new joy, love, and worship into my life. I pray the same happens to you. Some of you are in BSF where you are studying Romans. If you aren’t reading Romans, e-mail me and I will send you some links and resources that have fired my own heart and may do the same for you.

Also, I want to say a word of thanks to my wife, Kay. She has been the love of my life for over 40 years, and I can honestly say that I love her more today than when we first met. She is back in the States lending support to her aging mother, as well as our children and grandchildren.  I wouldn’t recommend being separated from one’s spouse as I have been during recent months.  But there were special needs and circumstances, and so, with prayer and the counsel of the elders, Kay and I determined that this would be a reasonable option for a limited period of time. The Lord has given grace to both of us.

She is an extraordinary woman. How many women would be willing to pick up later in life and move away from close family, children, and grandchildren? How many would even consider staying beyond a three-year commitment until it grew to ten years? Kay is quiet, but ever so kind, gracious, and supportive of me. She always thinks the best of people, keeps confidences, doesn’t gossip, and in her quiet way shares her love, kindness, and good humor. We laugh a lot and, along with Jesus, it has kept us close all these years. I could never have stayed this long had it not been for her sacrifice and support. She can easily be overlooked, as she doesn’t like a lot of attention. But when she returns after Chinese New Year, you might want to express your appreciation to her.

Christmas Happenings

Peter Brown

Since Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, we will not have our annual Christmas Eve night service with the usual gathering on the rooftop for candle lighting, hot cider, and carol singing. We always look forward to this time. But it’s asking too much of our leaders to spend all morning and then the rest of the day in preparation for the evening service. So out of consideration to them, we will have our Lessons and Carols service on Sunday, December 24th at 11:00 am. It will be an hour long, as there will be no Sunday School on that day. Families will join us for the entire service. Afterwards, we will have a family Christmas meal at 12:00pm. Watch for information on how you can help out!

Below is the rest of the December schedule for you and any friends you might bring. December is a great time to invite people in your life to hear the gospel. Don’t let the opportunity slip by.

  • Sunday, December 3rd: Advent begins (also the Lord's Supper will be served on the first Sunday of the month). This is also the beginning of the traditional Advent candle lighting.
  • Saturday, December 16th: Night Market Caroling. Meet in Room 501 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm for practice before going to Shida Night Market. Bring your dinner with you. Afterward, we will gather in coffee shops for fellowship. Note: the church apartment is being renovated during this month, which makes it impossible for us to gather there.
  • Sunday, December 24th: 11:00am. Lessons and Carols Service. No Sunday School. One-hour worship service to be followed by all-church Christmas dinner at noon. 

Also, in light of the fact that Pastor Dennis is gone to the U.S. from December 5th to January 4th, here is the preaching schedule for the month:

Sunday, December 3 – Pastor Dennis (communion served)
Sunday, December 10 – Pastor Peter Kim
Sunday, December 17 – Peter Wang
Sunday, December 24 – Kalan Spencer
Sunday, December 31 – Peter Brown