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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church


Dennis Brown


This Sunday, we are in 2 Samuel 9--the story of Mephibosheth. It is one of the sweetest stories in the Bible and it drips with grace. It’s the story of how David asks if there is anyone he can show kindness to because of his commitment to Jonathan. It was a commitment made long before. You can read the story how a young, frightened man is summoned into the presence of the king. He likely expects certain death, but instead is showered with amazing grace. 

The Bible is one story and these mini-stories actually point to the mega-story of God’s redemption of rebels like ourselves who deserve the opposite of grace. But grace isn't just for how you become a Christian. It’s for every relationship in life…parenting, marriage, work. Are you a grace-giver? Or do you live by law. I would recommend Paul Zahl’s “Grace in Practice” to see how it can apply everywhere.

If someone asked me why I am a Christian, there are many reasons, but four stand out:

  1. The resurrection of Jesus. It’s just a stubborn, annoying fact and if it happened, you have to deal with it.
  2. The fine tuning of the universe. Read Eric Metaxas book on “Miracles” and you will be stunned at how the entire universe seems to be rigged to support human life
  3. The cross as the only antidote for the addiction I have to myself and my sin.
  4. Grace. C.S. Lewis was once asked if there was one word that described Christianity. He said it was grace. You can’t find that anywhere in the world or in any religion except Jesus and the movement he started 2000 years ago.

Life at Friendship

Dr. Vern and Diane Poythress Summer Ministry. Sometimes, we say that if you are looking for an answer to a difficult question check out the Frame-Poythress website.  Together, Frame & Poythress represent brilliant, Biblically and theologically solid commentary on almost any subject. Dr. Poythress teaches at Westminster Seminary, has degrees in mathematics and theology, has written many books (most of which you can read on the website), and comes to Taiwan every year to teach a couple of classes at Reformed Seminary. His wife, Diane is equally formidable and loves Taiwan. 

  1. Friday, June 17, 8-10 PM. Skeptics Welcome at the Cafe Odeon at #11, Lane 86, Sec 3, Xin Sheng S. Road (just down the street from the church). This is on Friday, June 17 from 8 to 10 PM.
  2. Saturday, 18, 7 PM, God: Creator, Physicist, King. This is an event at the home of Jason and Donna Warren. God is the creator of the universe, but as we discover more about his creation, it raises questions about how we as scientists, engineers and seekers of truth can discern the Biblical origins of the universe. If you would like to attend please e-mail Donna here. RSVP Donna by June 15. Light refreshments will be provided.
  3. Dr. Poythress will be preaching beginning on Sunday, June 19, 26, and July 3 and 10. He will be speaking from the first chapters of Genesis which address the big questions of life: Where did we come from? Who created the world and universe? How does this story fit with modern discoveries of science? Who made marriage and what should it look like? Who made gender and what should it look like?
  4. “Counseling Leah with the Gospel”. This is a lecture led by Diane Poythress on Wednesday, June 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. This will be held in the back elevator room in the church. Tea and refreshments will be provided. Sign up by e-mailing the church or at the Welcome Table on Sunday.

Pastor Vacation Schedule. 

On Monday, June 20, Pastor Dennis and Kay are flying to the US--first to Austin, Texas and then on to Philadelphia, Pa. Dennis will be in the States and return to Taipei on July 26.  During that time, feel free to contact the elders, the deacons or Anna Furness on any question you might have. Here is the preaching schedule for the next couple of months:

  1. Sunday, June 12, Pastor Dennis
  2. Sunday, June 19, Dr. Vern Poythress
  3. Sunday, June 26, Dr. Vern Poythress
  4. Sunday, July 3, Dr. Vern Poythress
  5. Sunday, July 10, Dr. Vern Poythress
  6. Sunday, July 17, Dr. Paul Kong
  7. Sunday, July 24, Jonathan Schumate 
  8. Sunday, July 31, Pastor Dennis

Elisha's Call and Yours!

Dennis Brown

There is probably no question a pastor is asked more than, “What is the will of God for my life?” It’s an obvious question for anyone,  but particularly in a young congregation like ours. We have so many young singles, students, people early in their careers. And then added to everything is the bewildering social context where people hear the words of traditional culture (to honor family and society), modern culture (which tells you to follow your own heart). As someone said Taipei is a modern city affected by modern values, but underneath there is always a deep sense of traditional Chinese culture. In any case, it leaves people confused and wondering, “Who am I?” and “What do I do with my life?”

The story of Elisha can actually help us a lot. Elijah places his mantle on Elisha which is a call to succeed him as a prophet living in a time when the king and his queen were out to destroy prophets. For Elisha it means leaving a life of wealth and comfort to become Elijah’s servant for around eighteen years!  Please note that he is called to “being” before he is called to “doing.”

If you read the New Testament, there is no question what the basic will of God is. It is to become like Christ in the ordinary circumstances of life. 1 Corinthians 7:23 and 24 say, “You were bought with a price and do not become slaves of men. So brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God.” There are special calls for people to go into professional ministry. But for most people, the call of God will be seeking in ordinary life to follow Christ with sacrifice, service to others and growing Christlikeness. Answer the call to “being” and in time you will discover the call to “doing.”

Here is a quotation from Elisabeth Elliot that I find helpful:

The consciousness of His origin and destiny enabled Jesus to do very humdrum things. We get things completely backward when we feel that because of who we are or where we came from or what an important job we have to do we can’t stoop to do the humdrum; or we are engaged in the high and holy will of God and can’t be bothered with the ordinary. A look at how humdrum it must have been for the Son of God to become the Son of man will help us regain a proper perspective. His whole human life was a humiliation. At the Last Supper, we read, Jesus, “well aware… that He had come from God and was going back to God…taking a towel…began to wash the disciple’s feet”.

Taking Advantage of the Poythress Visit

We have a special opportunity from June 17 to July 10 to have in our midst some truly amazing people. I am speaking of Dr. Vern Poythress and his wife, Dr. Diane Poythress. Dr. Poythress has degrees in mathematics from Harvard, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Stellenbosh in South Africa. More than that, he is a brilliant man who has used his considerable gifts to apply the Bible to the deep questions of our age. He and his colleague John Frame have posted many of their books online to read at  His wife, Diane, is equally formidable and I will share later some of her credentials.

On June 12, 19 and July 3 and 10, he will preaching on Sunday morning from the first chapters of Genesis which tell us where the world, and the universe came from. They also tell us why we are here, the meaning of marriage, sexualiity, gender--in short all the big questions people have. In addition, we have provided informal opportunities for you and your skeptical friends to meet up with them and bring any question. Please note that there are skeptics welcome opportunities at a local pub, an informal gathering at the Warren home regarding questions of science and faith, and several table talk discussions being hosted by our small groups. They will also be making available Dr. Poythress’ book “Redeeming Science”--the best work of its kind in my opinion.

Poythress Schedule:


Dr. Poythress will be preaching from Genesis on Sunday, June 12, 19 and July 3 and 10

Friday June 17 & July, 1 8:00 – 10:00

Skeptics Welcome by Dr. Poythress

Café Odeon, 8 to 10 pm

Saturday June 18

Quantum Theory & The Bible

Warren’s Home

Sunday June 19, June 26, July 3 & July 10, 1:00 – 3:00

Table Talks with Dr. Poythress

Sunday afternoon 1:00 - 3:00

June 26, July 3 & July 10

FFF Women’s group / Lectures led by Diane Poythress

Wednesday June 15, June 22 & July 6, 7:30 – 9:30

Back Elevator room at church

Dr. Diane Poythress is also available for personal counselling at the church office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 12.  Please contact the church at  to make appointments.

Bowling Night:

You are invited to join the Martin and Red group for dinner and a bowling night on Saturday, May 28. Dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 and bowling to follow (near Shirlin station). Contact Sam Huang at

Jonah Continues to Run from the Call

Dennis Brown


Jonah Continues to Run from the Call 

Do you think God still calls people? Do you think he could call you? What might that look like? People sometimes ask me, “How did you receive God’s call?”  Going through Jonah who tried to run from God’s call,  I thought about my own call.

In brief, it began when I was growing up on a farm in western Montana. In the context of a small community church, a set of Bible story books that my Mom bought, I met God. Somewhere along the way, I felt called to the ministry and some people I respected confirmed that I wasn’t crazy. In the years that followed, I spent a couple of summers in Turkey with a radical evangelical missions group where I ended up in jail six times the first summer. The second summer everyone was in jail except me. 

Then I went to India for two years. My first experience of India was in Bombay when the war broke out between India and Pakistan over Bangladesh. That began a whole series of adventures--too numerous to recount here. Some of my best friends who are still friends today worked for years smuggling Bibles and discipling people behind the Iron Curtain. Some of my Indian brothers planted churches and started children’s homes. One of the greatest joys has been watching them grow as men. Several of them are still best friends.

But there were also great trials, great losses. My cousin Sharon who was more like a sister was killed in an automobile  accident when she was returning from India while engaged to my best friend. I was plunged into a sea of turmoil and struggled mightily with my faith. At the same time I met my wife Kay and connected with the same church in Minneapolis that sent out David and Linda Ludwig. In short, I discovered that it was harder to run from Jesus than I thought. I felt like I was saved by Jesus, my wife, and this good church. It’s one of the reasons I believe so strongly in the church and have pastored as long as I have.

It’s been humbling to reflect on this call and to see how my understanding of God has changed (the journey from Arminianism to Calvinism is another story). It has been humbling to see my own arrogance and prejudices demolished. In short, I see a lot of Jonah in myself. More, I see the same awesome God continue to beckon. Let’s pray for each other that we can continue to hear and respond to the call. It’s not easy. He’s not a tame lion, but He’s good!

Life at Friendship

Dr. Vern and Diane Poythress Summer Ministry. Sometimes, we say that if you are looking for an answer to a difficult question check out the Frame-Poythress website.  Together, Frame & Poythress represent brilliant, Biblically and theologically solid commentary on almost any subject. Dr. Poythress teaches at Westminster Seminary, has degrees in mathematics and theology, has written many books (most of which you can read on the website), and comes to Taiwan every year to teach a couple of classes at Reformed Seminary. His wife, Diane is equally formidable and loves Taiwan. They are available to minister in our church from around June 10 to July 10. We are working on their schedule to maximize their time with us. Along with Dr. Poythress preaching, we are planning informal Table Talks, pub outreaches, learned scientific discussions for those who desire answers in these areas, and interaction with our existing small groups. Diane will also be available for counselling and presenting different lectures.  The schedule will be out this week. 

The Gospel in an LGBT World. Do you find it hard to talk about issues of morality? Issues of sexuality? Almost everyone does. Part of the reason is because the church has often done such a terrible job when it has spoken. In John, it says that “The law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”  The church has usually gone into the ditch on both the right and left. Many churches go in the ditch on the left. It’s basically, “I’m OK;  you are OK.” It’s a church without Biblical norms. 

On the other hand, much of the evangelical church historically has gone in the ditch on the right by being judgmental, self-righteous. It’s “elder-brother” Christianity which isn’t Christianity at all. Jesus who is the model for all of us came with both”grace and truth.” The best example of this is with the woman taken in adultery. He protects her, but then says, “Neither do I condemn you. Now, go and sin no more.” That is the Biblical balance the church must find and has failed in doing so.  I found the attached article in Christianity Today this week. It strikes exactly the right balance, and calls all of us to repentance. See if it doesn’t take you to the cross. Here it is: click!

Spencer’s to Move to Sanchong for Church Planting Venture and Summer Teaching Opportunity. Two weeks ago, we announced that Kalan and Kayt Spencer are moving to the Sanchong neighborhood to live, network and in time to plant a church in this working class community. The gospel in Taiwan has made more progress in the white collar class of Taiwan than in the blue collar. This fall Kalan will be working at the church as a part-time pastoral assistant, and at the same time laying the groundwork for this ministry. Soon they will be presenting their work to us so we can be practically and prayerfully involved in supporting this venture. Also Kalan is preaching on Sunday, May 29.

In addition, they are in contact with a church planter who graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary (where Tim Yates is the dean). Daniel went through the Redeemer City to City training (a ministry we are also connected with) and is planting a church in the XinZhuang area. Daniel is running a VBS type activity this summer and is looking for two English teachers July 5-8 for two hours each day in the afternoon. Please contact Kalan Spencer if you are interested or email the church on your potential availability.